Albacon Code of Conduct
Albacon demands that all attendees treat others with respect.
By accepting your badge for Albacon, or attend online, you are indicating your acceptance of this code of conduct. If you do not agree to comply with this code of conduct, please inform Registration prior to accepting your badge, and your membership fee will be refunded.
If someone’s behavior makes you uncomfortable, either ask them to stop or seek out a staff member to deal with them. If you are asked to stop a particular behavior, do so immediately.
Unacceptable behavior includes, but is not limited to:
• Stalking
• Physical or Verbal Intimidation
• Discriminatory Comments or Actions (including, but not limited to, those based on race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, disability, or physical appearance)
• Unwanted Physical Contact
• Unwelcome Sexual Attention
• Threats of Violence or Inciting Fear of Physical Injury
Violations of this policy or refusal to stop an unwanted behavior after being asked to do so will result in censure up to and including, but not limited to, revoking the offender’s membership, banning the member from future Albacons, and asking the hotel staff to remove the offender from the property.
If you wish to report an incident, please seek out a staff member for assistance. All reported incidents will be documented and investigated. Please be advised that we need to be informed about an incident in order to take action. Members of the Convention Committee will assess all reported incidents and will respond as appropriate.
If you are accused of misconduct and feel that the Committee Members’ response was unjustified, you may appeal to the Convention Chair. The Chair’s determination on all incidents will be final.
In summation, please be considerate of others, and let respect and common sense prevail.
Thank you.